Many animals have very less number of taste buds compared to humans, for example dogs have 1,700 taste buds, Lions have 470 taste buds on their tongues whereas as human on an average have 9,000 taste buds. Taste buds are basically nerve endings one the tongue which provide the sense of taste.

So as these animals have less taste buds, taste of food matters very little to them, their sense of smell tells them more about what they are eating than their taste buds. That’s why many animals smell things before eating. But still they can’t differentiate between plastic and food.

Over period of time, the plastic gets accumulated and can lead to blockage of the stomach. A blockage in stomach can lead to painful death. So when you throw a plastic, you might become the reason of death of those innocent animals.

We all showed our anger when a 15-years old pregnant wild elephants lost her life as a result of human cruelty, after the consumed a fruit-filled with crackers, but about other animals dying everyday, after consuming plastics thrown by us. It doesn’t have fire cracker but it’s not less than that, resulting in slow and painful death.

It is estimated that 1 million birds and 100k marine animals die each year after consuming plastic pollution in the ocean. We all know plastic is non biodegradable, it gets into stomach and remains there most of the time.